- Install Openfiler on USB-Stick to boot OS without changing DOM
- Preserve and access Raid data with Openfiler (former data structure of EMC)
Check use Local LDAP
Base DN: dc=openfiler,dc=nas
Root bind DN: cn=Manager,dc=openfiler,dc=nas
Rot bind password: ‘rootpassword’
- Samba works like a charm after configuring the shares
- To provide the shares I made a symbolic link. (ln -s /mnt/md0Container/md0Region/samba/shares/EMCShare /mnt/md0Container/md0Region/OpenfilerShare)
- Since I killed the OS-config by executing "conary updateall" I had to reinstall the system (severall hours), I had to perform the procedure a second time.
- Samba Transfer rates (50MB/s down, 30MB/s up) -> a little bit slower than EMC
Attention: Data could be lost if you make any error!!!!!!!
Keep this in mind!
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