
Windows refund on Scaleo 2200 (SS4200-E)

Page history last edited by Frank de Lange 15 years, 4 months ago

For those who want to run an operating system of their choice on the Scaleo 2205 (which is a rebranded SS4200-E) but can only buy it with Windows Home Server pre-installed I have some good news. I have succeeded in getting a refund for the Windows Home Server license fee from Fujitsu Siemens in the country where I bought the machine (Sweden). As the decision seems to have been made by the 'product specialists' in Germany I'd guess that this refreshing new policy is also applicable in other countries where Fujitsu Siemens sells these devices.


The whole process took a week short of 2 months from start to finish, most likely because those previously mentioned product specialists were all on holiday according to the Fujitsu Siemens spokesperson I was in contact with. When after about a month I still had not received any reply I contacted FS again to comment about the long holidays product specialists enjoy in Germany and inquire about the status of my request. It was then I was told I would get a refund by following these steps as quoted from the original message:


To return the license you need to send


  • Any discs connected to the license

  • The COA label (placed on the computer) in a complete and non-damaged so you clearly can read the licensekey

  • A signed document/letter that promises not the use the operating system (license on this computer, all above been done and that the computer have been uninstalled from the operating system. The serialnumber should also be written in the letter.


You also need to attach you bank accountnumber so we can return the fee its about.


All this shall be sent to (the address of Fujitsu Siemens in your country)


Furthermore you need to remove Home Server operating system from the computer in question.



Med vänliga hälsningar (swedish for 'kind regards')


(Fujitsu Siemens representative)


To remove the 'tamper-proof' COA label I used a razor blade and a careful hand. With a bit of patience you can scrape that label right off the back of the machine without causing any visible damage - in other words that label is anything but tamper-proof. After sending the envelope to FS It took more than three weeks (and a bit of prodding) to get a final answer but in the end they stated they would deposit SEK 469 (~$68, €46) into my bank account. I have not actually seen this deposit yet but given this promise I'm positive it will all end well.


As I paid SEK 2990 ($433,€295) for this box (which came with 2x1TB drives, 2 GB memory and a 256MB DOM) the license fee for Windows Home Server ended up being about 1/6 of the purchase price.


The box now runs Linux (Debian on a 20 GB partition, grml on the DOM) and does more than Windows Home Server can ever dream of accomplishing.


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